Lite Boats to Visit Poole

After a very successful initail visit Coast Boats are returning to Poole on the 21st of March 2015.
Liteboat rowing demo day
at Parkstone Yacht Club
Saturday 21st March from 9.30am
The Liteboat are rowing boats designed for every one. They are, stable, lightweight
and easy to use in the harbour and on the sea. Liteboat are built for sports and leisure,
developed to discover the pleasure of how to row safely and on any type of water
The unique feature of the Liteboat, designed by Sam Manuard, is the form stability.
After only one or two sessions, a beginner can row and focus on his technique and the
beautiful scenery and nature of the surroundings at the same time. Expert rowers too
can appreciate the speed of this training boat.
On Saturday 21st March there will be a range of boat for testing including both single
and double skulls
To arrange a demo/more info please email Reuben Frost
reufrost[at] or call 0787 292 1643